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The 1768 Foundation Inc.

Picture: Entrance to the Brothers in Unity Courtyard in Branford College, Yale University


A Gift for The Brotherhood

Your donations enable the society to exist and complete its mission in promoting the spirit of public service among its membership in the Yale Community. With your philanthropy, you can sponsor a brother on financial aid and support a future generation of leaders focused on upholding American democracy.

The 1768 Foundation Inc. is a CT-incorporated, non-profit, 501(c)3 which manages and stewards your gifts. All contributions to the 1768 Foundation Inc. are tax deductible to the extent fully allowed by the law. Our Board of Directors comprise of members from the military, investment banking, defense, and research industry.

If you have any questions, please contact us! With over 100 alumni and students, we look forward to the society's future.

Support The 1768 Foundation Inc.
Support the next generation of Yalies with a gift 
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